Black Raven Box Set

Fights like a man, loves like a woman- impossible to put down!
This woman writes fight scenes and macho manly intrigue like Tom Clancy and love scenes like Danielle Steel- what a combination. This is one serious series of books that should go to the top of anyone’s list who craves truly outstanding literature! Good job Stella… – Amazon Reviewer

In a world where bad things happen to good people, Black Raven Private Security Contractors handles high-risk problems that others can’t solve. The jobs are brought to vivid life in the pages of the Black Raven romantic suspense series. When you read the series, you’ll meet unforgettable characters and become engrossed in page turners that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Readers rave that novels are a “must read for romantic suspense lovers” and “absolutely fantastic.”

The Black Raven Box Set

Kindle versions of Books I – III (Deceived, Shadows, and Jigsaw) can be purchased as a box set. Book club questions for each of the novels are included in the box set. Every book is a stand-alone novel; the stories can be read in any order. Learn more about each of the novels in the box set by clicking the following links: Deceived, Shadows, and Jigsaw.




Deceived Excerpt

Young mothers don’t deserve to die as collateral damage for the misdeeds of others. He shook off the random thought, blaming it on his fatigue and the mind-game that it played. He couldn’t afford to dwell on the tragic circumstances of what he was about to do. Lisa Smithfield, a graduate student who happened to be the single mother of a two-month old baby, was a gateway to freedom, which would come through the emotional destruction of others and also result in financial gain ...


Deceived Excerpt

Young mothers don’t deserve to die as collateral damage for the misdeeds of others. He shook off the random thought, blaming it on his fatigue and the mind-game that it played. He couldn’t afford to dwell on the tragic circumstances of what he was about to do. Lisa Smithfield, a graduate student who happened to be the single mother of a two-month old baby, was a gateway to freedom, which would come through the emotional destruction of others and also result in financial gain for him. By the fourth day of July, the lives of four women would end. Lisa Smithfield was first. Then he’d move on to the next three, the ones who really mattered. No one who needed to die bore responsibility for that necessity. They were simply the best pawns he had to play. Read More




Romantic suspense thriller novel by Stella Barcelona: ShadowsShadows Excerpt

The number stream, the one and only communication she’d received on the phone that was dedicated solely to transmission of such a message, jolted the last sleep-induced blur from Chloe’s brain. Her hands shook as she mentally translated numbers to Letters.
She gripped the phone tighter, checking her translation. Same result. It was the message she’d been hoping would never come. Maybe she’d made a mistake. Kicking aside the sheet and blanket, she turned on the lamp, ...

Romantic suspense thriller novel by Stella Barcelona: ShadowsShadows Excerpt

The number stream, the one and only communication she’d received on the phone that was dedicated solely to transmission of such a message, jolted the last sleep-induced blur from Chloe’s brain. Her hands shook as she mentally translated numbers to Letters.
She gripped the phone tighter, checking her translation. Same result. It was the message she’d been hoping would never come. Maybe she’d made a mistake. Kicking aside the sheet and blanket, she turned on the lamp, opened the top drawer of the nightstand, pushed her revolver to the side, and pulled out a pen and paper. Drawing a deep breath, she started over, writing as she assigned letters to numbers.

Cataclysm. Now. Run. Read More


Jigsaw, the second novel in Stella Barcelona's series of romantic thriller storiesJigsaw Excerpt

Of all the variations of hell Zeus had confronted in his life, this one would be the hardest to navigate. It was a hell that defied reason—a scorching, internal inferno that he’d created. He wasn’t a man who walked away from anything or anyone without closure. Except her, and now it was coming back to bite him in the ass.

Embrace the suck.

Over the years, the phrase had become a Black Raven mantra. ...

Jigsaw, the second novel in Stella Barcelona's series of romantic thriller storiesJigsaw Excerpt

Of all the variations of hell Zeus had confronted in his life, this one would be the hardest to navigate. It was a hell that defied reason—a scorching, internal inferno that he’d created. He wasn’t a man who walked away from anything or anyone without closure. Except her, and now it was coming back to bite him in the ass.

Embrace the suck.

Over the years, the phrase had become a Black Raven mantra. When the going got tough, Black Raven agents powered through.
Embrace the suck and do the job. Get. The. Job. Done. Any way, any how. Read More.


Purchase Info

The Black Raven novels are available at Amazon, in print and eBook. If you’re a member of Amazon’s KindleUnlimited program, you can read the novels for “free.” If you’d prefer to shop through independent booksellers, print versions of the novels should be available upon request through your local bookseller. To order a signed copy, visit or call the New Orleans’ Garden District Book Shop.

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