New Orleans – 2019 Booklovers Conference Photo Gallery

There was so much to do at the Book Lovers Conference that I almost forgot to take photos! The best part of the conference was meeting readers, some who have read all of my novels and others who are new to my Black Raven series. I shared my special pins with plenty of attendees and enjoyed telling the real-life story of how the French Quarter’s St. Louis Cathedral became a symbol in the fleur de lis on the cover of Concierge. Here are a few photos that I managed to take as the conference kicked off with a New Orleans-style second line, complete with a brass band and feather-boa umbrellas:

1) Scenes from around the conference:

As I moved from one event to another, I met plenty of readers and thoroughly enjoyed every minute with them. I took lessons from a selfie champion (it’s all about the angle!); met a precious Pomeranian named Diva and her reader-mom; showed other attendees landmarks from New Orleans in a cuff bracelet from Ramsey’s Diamond Jewelers, which was raffled with proceeds benefitting Friends Fight Together; and met readers who were having a great time in beautiful historical costumes:

2. Three Truths and a Lie: Romantic Suspense, Mystery, Horror & Thriller Book Signing

On top of playing a wacky game at this event that included answering some pretty creative questions, I had an opportunity to meet plenty of new readers and introduce them to my Black Raven series with autographed copies of my latest release, Imagine. I also had a chance to chat with actor and author Meg Tilly (first photo, below).

3. All Law and No Order: It’s time to do the perp walk!

Author Victoria Sue (first photo, below) knows how to throw a fantastic party. I’m grateful she invited me to this one! The actors/models who posed as New Orleans police officers were spectacular. In addition to laughing with the other authors and readers who attended the event, I managed to take a photo with one of my all time favorite romantic suspense authors, Karen Rose (last photo, below).

4. Book Bash Signing

The Saturday book bash signing had plenty of authors, hundreds of readers, and even cover models dressed in period costumes. I couldn’t resist posing with them.

Now that the conference is over, it’s time to get back to writing. Stay tuned here for blog updates and writing news. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask them in the Ask Stella blog series.

With love,